The first thing I noticed when I tried to use noise reduction was half of it wasn't there. The slider for color noise reduction--the ugly blotches of color caused by the demoisaicing--worked. But the slider for luminescence noise--removing the actual noise--was grayed out. A closer reading of the hype on noise reduction--a marketing song and dance to hide the obvious--Adobe might have a gold metal algorithm somewhere but it ain't implemented yet.
So beta 3 isn't going to help the YSP project. Except that it has me looking into how hard I can push the camera using the Lightroom 2 noise reduction. Which may be a bit farther than I first thought.

As long as you don't look close image two isn't a complete disaster. But if you do look close--image three, a closeup of Laura's head--you see the noise in all its glory.
But noise can be reduced. In image four I applied Lightroom 2's noise reduction routine.

So where are we now. If I use my 105mm manual lens wide open at f2.5 I've picked up 2.3 of the 3 stop of underexposure. Since ISO 800 won't add that much more noise, something I decided in the last post, this lens will give a decent exposure.
But now I have another lens I could use. My 55-200mm kit lens is an f4 at 55mm, f4.2 at 70mm and f4.5 at 85mm. So I would lose a stop or more by switching over to that lens.
But it is image stabilized. I could drop the shutter speed to 1/60 or 1/40 sec since I don't have to worry about camera shake. That would pick up the lost stop of exposure.
Time for more experiments. I will duplicate the theater's lighting at home with my variable power flash and start shooting away. With luck, ISO 1600, and noise reduction I might even be able to take onstage headshots at 200mm and f5.6.
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